Monday, February 28, 2011

THANK GOD for the nice people left in this world.

So I recently have been consumed with my new job at Octagon Hair and Spa and have had zero time to write. I worked there as an associate right out of beauty school training to become a hair stylist for that particular salon but then ended up going away to college. So here I am back in my stomping grounds.. 

Except this time I am working up front at the desk and also getting my feet wet in the salon's makeup section! All very exciting things....Now anyone that knows me KNOWS that me and numbers DO NOT blend well. A huge part of the front desk is to count the register drawers(which involves money...DUH!) and obviously handling money. Now I am not dumb but counting money or dealing with money is not my strongest skill. And that was proven today.....Now I am still learning the ropes of the front desk... all the sales and gift certificates and other new things that they have added since I last worked there, so I keep telling myself that you can only learn from your mistakes but it still sucks making them. 
A client came up to the register to check out. She had, had three different services, with three different employees. Which meant she wanted to tip each of them individually. She ended up handing me two gift cards that she had and came out of it with some spare change. The lady didn't want to have the extra money on her gift card so asked if she could possibly use that towards the tips for the employees she had seen today. Unfortunately at our salon we cannot do that and the money on the gift card has to be used for either a service or a product value. She understood completely and proceeded to buy some product. Now she is adding product onto the check which then left her owing me more money than before. She decided to pay using a credit card. The computer did not add the tip into the order like it normally does with everyone else. So it made it a lot more complicated on me and made me have to try and figure out how much change the lady needed in order to leave a tip for the clients... Well again... me and numbers yeah we aren't friends. The lady waited patiently for me to try and figure everything out. The gift card wasn't going into the computer properly and things were just getting really frustrating and I am a little embarrassed because this had never happened before.. I had been working all day and have worked at the desk before and everything has always been fine, this time was a little different. Probably sensing my frustration the lady quietly said It is okay and that she has plenty of time and to take my time. She also added that she has worked at a bank before and how she dealt with money and computer issues.( WHICH TOTALLY HELPED). It was nice to hear her say that because it calmed me down and made me think clearer. I definitely got everything done and had her on her way.

I realize unless you have been in my position you have NO idea what any of this means but the moral of me telling you all of this is that there are still nice people in this world and how refreshing it was to have someone understand my position and be patient with me.
So kudos to the nice people of the world you really do make peoples days by just a few simple words of encouragement SO KEEP IT UP!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Life through a Childs Eyes...

I tend to write and talk about my sister, Claire a lot. That only shows how much she means to me... and how much I learn from her. Yes, she is only 8 years old, but her innocence to the world and her drive to learn more about the world we live in thrills me. Life to them is just a playground. Everyday means something new... a new place... a new adventure but then at the same time it means doing the exact same thing over and over again....
Thank God for the sunshine that has been coming out these last few days ...
( Minus today of course--because it is pouring rain and freezing out, Brrrrr.... ) Claire was so antsy to get outside and play. From exploring her trails and paths in the backyard (..which is a HUGE forest preserve area ) to riding her bike around the neighborhood with her little friends.

Through the eyes of a child: It is fun, I will even go as far as saying thrilling to them to be out and about. It's nice enough out to play. I don't need a coat..Who cares if my boots get wet and muddy... Mom will clean them. "OH POOP! I think that's deer poop... oh wait.. maybe rabbit poop actually." Deeply emerged into the nature right in front of them.. creating their own little world... no worries besides where to turn next in this maze of corn/weeds and other shrubs... 
Through the eyes of a 22 year old: It's cold outside still... I may need mittens my hands are frozen...There are puddles everywhere which means my boots will get wet and muddy. There is an assortment of poop from several different animals all through out the trail that you have to dodge. I am not as small as a 8 year old and cannot fit through all the turns and trails like she can....
Now why is it that we think like that? Why cant I just be thrilled as much as she is... and be out there jumping in the puddles and playing in the well..... poop I guess? ha.

Another thing I did this weekend was created about 40 paper airplanes... you name the color, we made it. While babysitting Claire we even managed to construct an entire airport out of paper... the waiting room... the runway... everything. ( I guess the creative bug runs in the family...ha ) So as I am( 22 years of age) standing in the loft throwing paper airplanes off the balcony... through the fan onto the floor into the living room.. I am not going to lie to you, I really enjoyed this whole moment. The construction of the airplanes and the the thrill of watching it fly through the air and land perfectly on the runway you made... SO FUN.... but reality check hits when the 8 year old looks at you and says, " I'm hungry... when are you going to order the pizza?" Ha... I am the I have to order the pizza and pay the man.  Well it was fun while it lasted....

I think every once and a while.... we need to step back and bring back our inner child and live life through a child's eyes. Seems easy but really its not. It's hard to step back from the reality of the world around you and set yourself in the imagination of a child. Its fun and even better when you have a little one to influence you and test your imagination. Don't be afraid to get on their level and see through their eyes.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day to all you LoVERS & FRiENDS!


The holiday of Love.... Oh man all the things you could say about this day... 

Whether it all be [good] or [bad] things.

Lots of emotions. ( Hate....Love....Lust......Anger.....Seduction.....)

That eight lettered word that just makes us all melt when we first hear it..... I.....LOVE....YOU...... Life changing sometimes.

Everybody likes being needed or wanted by someone else. 

Sappy romantic movies and wine..... maybe some chocolate && add a best friend in there and we are set!

Kisses....... Hugs... & More.. :)

Patience. Kindness.... No envy.

Reminiscing on all the years... and the several valentines days you have spent with whomever.

Remembering NIU.... heres to you! 

Love is something when you have it you know exactly what you have and appreciate it. 


A sunny spring day.... you can always tell and feel that it is valentines day... its just a special feeling other than other days.

It is inevitable.... 
Your heart choses whom you love. You cant control it.

Love is something you hold onto. && Never let go of.....

Love is brilliant and destructive all at the same time.
Warm heart..... the butterflies... the first kiss.... the snuggling...the first date.....the first fight.......

Realizing you want to spend the rest of your life with that one person and you aren't afraid to let people know how much you love that person.

Security. Trust. Comfort. Passion.= All words that are involved with love.
---It can also be.. all about insecurities, loss of trust, loneliness, and sadness. People have all sorts of emotions when it comes to love and valentines day.. Theres sometimes a lot of hate towards it when being single.

Cupid?? If he is even does exist.. or whatever he may be...ha....
(where the hell has he been in my life? lol)

Of course then you have.... flowers (Psh which every girl loves receiving!) ( even tho I allergic to pollen...).... chocolates (DUH!)....cute cards.....friendly greetings....a moment shared together.

Love is something you cannot explain.. It is an emotion that without it you may be lifeless... love is always in your life.. whether it be from friends, your dog, family members or significant others... It is always there...

Definitely a lot of rambling that went down on this blogging, sunny day.... but hey, you wanted to get inside my head so now you are....
so read and appreciate it. :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I wish I was little again....

After spending about four days at my dads house... I spent a lot of time with my 8-year-old little sister, Claire and I loved every minute of it. But it definitely got me thinking about how much fun being little was... without a care in the world... living life to the fullest. You didn't have to worry about bills, work, life....don't have to deal with heartbreak, love, pain or disappointment.... you loved everything and found the fun out in everything.  Things just seemed easier then.....I literally sat there for hours with my sister and played with a toy frog that bounces back n forth with a press of this tab with your thumb. She loved it and had so much fun that we played again with that SAME frog the next day... She also has this pet cat now named "Solo" which she tortures and wrestles around with ....he is such a good cat lol He even plays around with her and will attack her and just mess around with her... The only thing that gets me every single time is that When Solo was a kitten my dad brought him to the vet and the vet told Claire probably the worst thing you could tell a 2nd grader lol....The Vet told her that when the kittens are little the mommies hold the by this access skin on their back.. So LITERALLY claire carries poor Solo like that EVERYWHERE... she just snatches him up and goes about her way.. lol too funny... Or like during "tubby time" and the nightly routine... I hear "DD(which is what my siblings tend to call me... lol) CHECK THIS OUT" I turn and look into the bathroom to see her in the bathtub with tons and tons of bubbles with her hair shaped into a mohawk due to a ridiculous amount of shampoo.... She was laughing so hard and smiling....Its so just awesome that the simplest things can bring such a huge joy to little ones. I LOVE IT... She is just such a huge blessing to me and my life.  I am truly blessed with the family that I have and how lucky I am that we all get along so well and are all so super close.
On a more professional note: My mind has been boggled with all of these ideas... I have so many ideas for the next few shoots.. and for ways to further my career. I am so excited to get started with everything... I am very confident that everything will work on in the end.. its just all a process and experience is everything so you work your butt off to get to the top....Which I love because I love challenges... It helps push me to do exactly what I want and teaches me to fight for it. But enough of the that... I am trying to plan a trip to Nashville to visit a friend and she her studio.. She is a makeup artist out there and is very successful with what she does. I am thrilled to maybe someday work with her and cant wait to learn more from her. I also am trying to plan a trip to visit a friend in Las Vegas... YES, i said Las Vegas... I have a friend who is living and working out there and I have never been so whats a better excuse than that? lol A few girls and I are trying to plan a trip to visit New York in the summer and visit out there.... maybe work a few photo shoots of our own with the beautiful scenery... we don't really have a huge plan yet--we just know we all want to go at some point in our lives so why not all together.... Then of course... I want to make it back out to California and see everyone and visit... and maybe work a few jobs with some friends... :) I miss the weather and I miss my friends & family that live out there so much....
WELP.... Back to designing some Zombie designs... watching wedding crashers and attempting to read the one-of the three books I bought today( I have an addiction to books.... not necessarily reading them.. I have an addiction to buying them and collecting them.. When I am at the bookstore I have every intention of reading them and get so excited.. Its almost like a high from just being in the book store...I cant really explain it.. NOR have I ever met anyone that has that addiction but I guess its a more healthy addiction than Meth or Cocaine or something? right....?).... lol

Monday, February 7, 2011


Everything we do now is all tied somehow to technology whether it be applying for jobs....ordering anything from food to a new outfit....Now for the industry I am in everything is all online.. your portfolio, your resume... your work... and that is how clients are too find you.... Kind of crazy how we rely so much on internet and this wild world of technology...
I am in the process of setting up my Model Mayhem account which for those of you who don't know is pretty much like the Facebook for the "makeup/hair/modeling/acting/photography" world. So all the inspiring artists and persons are on this site.. Its real technical and I am finding out more and more how much I do not know about technology hahaha....but it sort of excites me because its a challenge and something for me to sit and try and figure out...( not that I don't already have enough of that on my plate to be dealing with...)
While I am trying to start up my career as a professional makeup artist/ hair stylist I am also going to get back into the modeling agency world...which means.... getting my body back into shape which isn't too difficult its just the discipline and keeping up with the workouts that sometimes get hard....but its what I want and I need to keep reminding myself that I am doing this for myself and actually WANT all of this lol. I think positive reinforcement works more than most things.... If you don't think positive about your goals or dreams I believe you wont get real far and you wont ever be able to achieve them. Nothing is impossible.....

Kind of a side note( remember this is my blog.. which means I mostly will ramble and be all over the place... because thats how my mind works... ).... I'd love to travel the world and pursue my dreams that way also... by helping others... I was thinking maybe in wig making?? or just doing makeovers for people all around the world??? Or going into hospitals and doing makeovers or their hair or for some.... maybe giving them a wig... I have so many ideas.. and I cant wait to pursue all of them and open peoples eyes to what the this industry really can do for people... more than the modeling... and the acting and the moviestar end.... there is SO much more in this industry that people do not understand... I have such a huge passion for it all and cannot wait to share with you all :)!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

This girl is VERY tired... but it was SO WORTH it..

Well...... After two days of nonsense.... non stop --- going, going, going.... Both photo shoots are done with and I would call them both VERY successful..
 I am so pleased with all the pictures that came out... the makeup is captured just perfect!! I am so thankful to have such beautiful friends to model for me!! I really appreciate how people understand how much this all means to me and the passion I have for it... This is just so amazing to be able to throw this all together and get beautiful pictures out of it....It was fun but it was definitely hectic and I am thrilled to just sit and relax... Sleep in and MAYBE watch the superbowl hahaha... who knows... I enjoy the commercials during that... but i'm not a fan of either team playing.. I guess ill be a Steelers fan.. <3!

On to the next shoot..... my zombie/bloody shoot is going to be planned as soon as i figure out my schedule and what the next few weeks bring me! I am thrilled for this shoot though it should be tons and tons of fun!! Plus I have very fun people to work with so that makes it all the better...

Movies && Resting is whats in for this girl tonight <3 Goodnightttttt bloggers!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Roses... [/] CHECK!
Beverages & Snacks... [/] CHECK!
Beautiful Models all ready for tomorrow & Saturday....[/] CHECK!
Beautiful Makeup looks & ideas.. [/] CHECK!

Got everything on my check list done today.... and even set up the photo shoot area and got all the lights set up and ready!!! Did a bunch of photo tests with my brother nick and his buddies... such goofballs but made me even more excited about the pictures being taken tomorrow :)
Sooo... I have realized that people are ridiculous... while checking off my check list today... I made a few errands and let me tell you... with all this snow on the ground people act as if the whole is literally ending... kind of crazy..... Walmart had ZERO carts left thats how many people were there.. the parking lot was a zoo.....So as im carrying the things i needed in my arms and hoping to God i do not drop the soda pop in my arms all over the floor... I get to the register where this lady was seriously arguing with the poor cashier about how the store DID NOT HAVE MILK>>>... AND that is all she came there for... so she was literally arguing with this poor girl about it..... all the girl could say was MAM... i am so sorry...i don't know what to tell you... poor girl...Once i got up there i told her to not worry about that lady because people are a little uptight lately with all the weather change and such so I told her not to let that ladies attitude ruin her day or spirit.. lol 

Besides the 20 inches of snow on the ground the day was beautiful and very sunny... if you held your hand up into a landscape and covered the whole ground and bottom half... it was beautiful..... Like i told my mom, As I was sitting at a red light... i held my hand up and it ALMOST... ALMOST made me feel like i was back in Cali... or ANYWHERE but illinois and this freezing weather.. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


WELP... anyone that lives in the chicago land area knows that we got TONS of snow and are what they consider "snowed in".... Its actually kind of cool looking outside ( course i am watching and looking thru the windows ).... Its like a snow globe. ( BUT real life..) Schools are all closed.... no ones working... its sort of epic how something like this can happen and just change everyones lives in a blink of an eye.

WELL.. this girl is still working... considering my office and place of work is at my house.. ( THANK GOD)... So the studio is still functioning and working busy busy busy planning this photo shoot for Friday and Saturday ( WEATHER PERMITTED OF COURSE ).....I am thrilled about this shoot... EVEN more thrilled about the next one after it planned!!! So many ideas... my little hands can only draw so fast... I have now obtained an "idea book" which contains all my ideas.. my hopes... my dreams.. my goals... BASICALLY  MY LIFE in a nutshell... <3!! It helps keep me sane thru all this craziness...