9:30pm rolls around and the yawns are starting.. so we head up to brush our teeth and settle down for bed. We both fall asleep instantly.
3am....I am awoken by Claire crying in her sleep.. I turn to her and wake her up and ask her if she's okay. She says No and that she feels sick. So I asked her if she felt like she was going to throw up or if she just needed to go to the bathroom. We both agreed that going to bathroom regardless was better than laying in the bed. LITERALLY the instant we stepped in the bathroom she started vomiting...Not just like a few drops like projectile style. Not only was it projectile--she always would not sit down so she stood the entire time, vomiting all over the bathroom. When I say all over.. I mean it was EVERYWHERE.
During this... I felt nauseous myself due to the disgusting smell that was lingering in the room and just listening to her vomit made me want to vomit. I couldn't even clean it up without gagging..(So I left it to deal with in the morning when the two of us had a little bit of a tougher stomach to clean it up)... I took her back to bed and she fell right asleep... ME on the other hand was wide away keeping a close eye on her... It made me nervous that she was crying in her sleep and then literally sat up and went to the bathroom and vomiting....Exorcist status... YIKES!!
So there I am 5am.. still awake... just watching sitcoms or whatever is on at that time....FINALLY I fell back asleep and was woken up at 7am for breakfast.
LUCKILY today she is feeling much better.. I think it might have been the amount of popcorn from the theatre with all the butter and such... it usually upsets my tummy too so I think that's what affected her.
***Needless to say.... I am very tired... and surviving the day with my addiction to caffeine. Without coffee I am not sure I would properly be able to function today. CANT WAIT for bedtime....