Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Something about a Rainy Day...

Rainy days are my favorite next to beautiful sunny days of course.
There is just something about rainy days that I love....
Maybe it is the carelessness and the calm feelings you have...
Or how the whole world around you seems to just stop & come to a halt....
Maybe its the reason I love the color gray for the simplest reason that it is a sign of comfort...(to me of course.)
Maybe its the sweet sympathy of the rain hitting the windows and beating on the roof,
It could be that moment while laying in bed, under the covers, eyes closed.. snuggling close to the person you love....
Or it could be the moment while standing outside soaking wet from the rain where you share a kiss,
Maybe its the moment where those wet clothes are removed and being hung to dry.. leaving you in an intimate moment.....
Maybe its just the simple gesture of jumping in puddles and seeing how deep each one really is...

The rolling thunder and flashing lightning is something that plays like fireworks in the sky.... 
Maybe its the smell of rain... the smell of spring......
How about saving all the earthworms or snails( like in california).... Maybe not most people would admit to doing this...BUT yes, I am one of those weirdos that saves them all...
Or is it when that huge beautiful rainbow fills the sky with its gentle way that lights my eyes up and makes me instantly appreciate everything....

 So all in all... It is quite obvious that I do indeed love Rain..... and pretty much everything about it...

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