Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sleep Deprived with an extra shot of Expresso.

After school yesterday Claire and I decided we wanted to go see the movie, "Hop" in theatres.. I highly recommend it for all ages.. It was very adorable. After chowing down on some popcorn and watching a good flick we headed home to have some dinner and made some cookies.. (The Pillsbury shapes for Easter). Very yummy.... 
9:30pm rolls around and the yawns are starting.. so we head up to brush our teeth and settle down for bed. We both fall asleep instantly.
3am....I am awoken by Claire crying in her sleep.. I turn to her and wake her up and ask her if she's okay. She says No and that she feels sick. So I asked her if she felt like she was going to throw up or if she just needed to go to the bathroom. We both agreed that going to bathroom regardless was better than laying in the bed. LITERALLY the instant we stepped in the bathroom she started vomiting...Not just like a few drops like projectile style. Not only was it projectile--she always would not sit down so she stood the entire time, vomiting all over the bathroom. When I say all over.. I mean it was EVERYWHERE
During this... I felt nauseous myself due to the disgusting smell that was lingering in the room and just listening to her vomit made me want to vomit. I couldn't even clean it up without gagging..(So I left it to deal with in the morning when the two of us had a little bit of a tougher stomach to clean it up)... I took her back to bed and she fell right asleep... ME on the other hand was wide away keeping a close eye on her... It made me nervous that she was crying in her sleep and then literally sat up and went to the bathroom and vomiting....Exorcist status... YIKES!! 
So there I am 5am.. still awake... just watching sitcoms or whatever is on at that time....FINALLY I fell back asleep and was woken up at 7am for breakfast.
LUCKILY today she is feeling much better.. I think it might have been the amount of popcorn from the theatre with all the butter and such... it usually upsets my tummy too so I think that's what affected her.
***Needless to say.... I am very tired... and surviving the day with my addiction to caffeine. Without coffee I am not sure I would properly be able to function today. CANT WAIT for bedtime.... 

Friday, April 8, 2011



Claire and I both slept pretty good last night considering the storm happening outside... It was almost soothing hearing the rain fall on the roof. Although the thunder and lightning can get a little scary while being in a huge house alone... we snuggled close and fell asleep... ( or Claire did... I tried..) 
Due to the storm Solo, Claire's cat was frightened and was scratching at the door, meowing... I felt bad for the little guy, So I opened the door and let him into our room.. 
( *Side note: I normally sleep with my door closed and the cat usually NEVER sleeps with me... I am used to having a dog sleep with me and fall right to sleep and just stay there all night... cats AREN'T like that. ) So Solo comes in hops on the bed and lays down.. 
( I am thinking WOW this cat is actually going to just lay down and fall asleep... NO) 
Solo decides to give himself an entire bath... which means he's licking the hell out of his fur... Now for those of you who don't know Solo.. he's "different" What I mean by that is... Solo has a breathing problem and wheezes, snores and makes crazy noises which sometimes sound like he cannot breathe or is struggling but he's a trooper ha. Needless to say him licking himself was a lot of work and breathing at the same time caused him to let this obnoxious noise out... Finally after he was done he rolls on his back and falls asleep... FINALLY ITS QUIET... (not for long) The silence was interrupted by this very high pitched noise.. at first I thought it was Claire talking in her sleep (Which she does A LOT...runs in the family) or something but NO... it was Solo snoring.. ha ha... WONDERFUL!!!  So I just ignore it and finally end up falling asleep to the snoring from Solo and constant movement from Claire...
3am.....I hear a crashing noise... Solo is NO WHERE to be found....obviously my first reaction is that someone is in the house... My hearts beating rapidly... I walk around and try and find out what the hell the noise was... I find Solo hiding under a chair near a nightstand where a bottle of water had been knocked onto the floor and LUCKILY it was sealed tight. 
So I head back to bed....closed the door to try and get some deeper sleep ....
5minutes.. after I closed the door I hear meowing... and Solo's little bell ringing its little heart out...He was trying to get into the room (Another side note: Solo actually knows how to open doors.. and there has been several times when I go into the bathroom close the door and he barges in.. So he is a pretty talented cat..Jokes on him though..I put a door weight behind the door this time and he could not move that) ... I ignored it... He finally went away. Back to sleep until the 7am alarm for school.....

**Waking up this morning was a little difficult (Half the reason was because it is nasty and raining outside ideally we just wanted to lay in bed all day...) due to the eventful night I had...but we rolled out of bed and got ready for school... Now its my job to disrupt Mr. Solo's sleeping while Claire's at school....So he knows how it feels ha ha... Little brat.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Today I dropped my little munchkin of a sister off at school for the first time alone... Parents left this morning (REALLY EARLY) for their vacation.
So the alarm goes off at 7am.... Claire and I jump out of bed... brush our teeth ( in between yawns of course ). Make some breakfast (blueberry wheat squares cereal and some toast)... get a few cartoons in before we fly out the door to school. Claire doesn't like listening to music in the morning... she claims it is "too early"... Well....for me? It helps wake me up. ha...
Getting closer to the school I realize there is lots of construction making us have to go all the way around the block instead of the normal route. ( THANK GOD there were buses going the direction of the detour or I'd most likely get lost. ) We park the car and I grab her little hand and walk her across the street and up to the door...
As soon as Claire spots the teachers she grabs her lunchbox, puts her backpack on, gives me the biggest hug known to mankind and looks at me with her big blue eyes and says.. "Bye DD, Love you". Then runs into the building.... Little heartbreaker.. I about cried walking away from the school... It made me realize WOW.. this is how mothers must feel... dropping their little babies off at school and trusting that the staff and teachers take extra good care of their babies.... how hard that must be....
..So I came to the conclusion if I cannot even drop my little sister off at school without getting a tad emotional... I am going to be a wreck when I have my own children to be dropping off at school.. Something to look forward too I guess.... hahaha YIKES!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011



Need a trendy UPDO to make all your friends jealous????

What about a sexy, fresh makeup application to WOW your Prom date!!!!???

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MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY LADIES --- Spots are going fast!!!
Let me know :)!!!

Try something different this year... Instead of the typical updo try something a little funkier... Type in Funky Updos in google and check out the results! You'll love the outcome!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tubby Time Conversations

Tubby time from what I remember was always shared with somebody else being in the bathroom with you... Whether they be sitting on the toilet, just keeping you company or in the tub with you rinsing off. It was never something you did alone.
Well, that hasn't changed...Claire calls that person who accompanies her during tubby time, her "tubby buddy." Since I am home now I am nominated for that category no questions asked. 
Tonight was tubby night because she has been on spring break this whole past week. With school in the morning she wants to get all freshened up. So there I am..."the tubby buddy" playing my role and sitting on the toilet along side of her.. making sure she doesn't get distracted ( which always happens... she's my sister... it runs in the family ) and keeping her company so she doesn't get lonely. The conversations are always priceless with Claire... but tubby time usually tends to bring out more of the ordinary conversations. Things you'd think an 8 year old had no grasp on....jokes on you.
The first conversation we had was on addictions... and how she saw this television show about how this lady was addicted to eating toilet paper. Now believe it or not... I have seen this show its on TLC along with all the other odd shows they feature this addiction show is one of them. So after talking about this show for a little bit Claire admits to have eaten paper before but not toilet paper... she tried construction paper. She then goes on to say that she just chews on it a bit then spits it out, never has she swallowed it she claims because she doesn't want tummy problems and well.... her exact words were "I don't want a paper cut on my butt hole." After this obviously I couldn't help but laugh...
The next conversation tonight while she was rinsing out her hair was strictly with the faucet.. 
( Haha... yes I said with the faucet ) 
The conversation went something like this....
"Hi, my names Claire"
"Nice to meet you.."
"How are you doing?"
"I had a great time tonight."
And then she preceded to kiss the faucet Goodnight and giggled....Yes this whole conversation happened while I sat right next to her on the toilet and again.... I couldn't help but laugh. 
The things kids come up with are just amazing sometimes and simply hilarious. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Music SINGS the words with are [too afraid] to SPEAK.

For me, Music plays a HUGE part in my life.

Through every difficult time, or happiest moment there is a song or lyrics that mask that exact feeling that I felt. Its like the words were taken right from my mouth... These words are words that are sung and hit home to my feelings at the time, but they are words that I personally would never come out and say. Whether it be to a person or just in general.
I went to the Lil Wayne concert last night and let me tell you what... I had the biggest smile on my face the entire time... Not because I knew every single word to all his songs and had several that I could relate too my own life and No it wasn't because he took his shirt off and was dancing all around the stage... it was simply because I could feel his passion. I could see how much love he has for what he does. The lyrics he sings/raps are something words straight from the heart. He knows that we as the audience can relate and he gets pure pleasure out of that. Thats what he raps/sings for. Now it is not just Lil Wayne that has this passion of course, I am just relating it all to what I observed last night. In general it is just truly inspiring to sit back and watch any artist perform and to feel the passion for their own work.
Again, this might just be me and how I feel about music....I tend to get kind of passionate about this type of thing.. thats because I am a creative/artsy fartsy person. I LOVE music and art and everything that consists of it. 
But, without a doubt in my mind... I KNOW there are people out that have that ONE song that every time you hear it... it brings you back to a moment, or a memory or hell... even a person. Sometimes they are songs that you necessarily don't want to hear at the time but regardless of that it reminds you of something. You tied that song, those lyrics to a moment in your life. A feeling... an emotion... a situation where you needed something to help you get by.. and there it was....NOW seriously.. you cannot tell me that, that has never happened you to.
All in all... I truly believe that music sings the words that we as humans are too afraid to speak... that we can relate to songs/lyrics because its how we feel and how we want the world to know we feel but in all reality we wont speak up. BUT WHY?