Monday, February 7, 2011


Everything we do now is all tied somehow to technology whether it be applying for jobs....ordering anything from food to a new outfit....Now for the industry I am in everything is all online.. your portfolio, your resume... your work... and that is how clients are too find you.... Kind of crazy how we rely so much on internet and this wild world of technology...
I am in the process of setting up my Model Mayhem account which for those of you who don't know is pretty much like the Facebook for the "makeup/hair/modeling/acting/photography" world. So all the inspiring artists and persons are on this site.. Its real technical and I am finding out more and more how much I do not know about technology hahaha....but it sort of excites me because its a challenge and something for me to sit and try and figure out...( not that I don't already have enough of that on my plate to be dealing with...)
While I am trying to start up my career as a professional makeup artist/ hair stylist I am also going to get back into the modeling agency world...which means.... getting my body back into shape which isn't too difficult its just the discipline and keeping up with the workouts that sometimes get hard....but its what I want and I need to keep reminding myself that I am doing this for myself and actually WANT all of this lol. I think positive reinforcement works more than most things.... If you don't think positive about your goals or dreams I believe you wont get real far and you wont ever be able to achieve them. Nothing is impossible.....

Kind of a side note( remember this is my blog.. which means I mostly will ramble and be all over the place... because thats how my mind works... ).... I'd love to travel the world and pursue my dreams that way also... by helping others... I was thinking maybe in wig making?? or just doing makeovers for people all around the world??? Or going into hospitals and doing makeovers or their hair or for some.... maybe giving them a wig... I have so many ideas.. and I cant wait to pursue all of them and open peoples eyes to what the this industry really can do for people... more than the modeling... and the acting and the moviestar end.... there is SO much more in this industry that people do not understand... I have such a huge passion for it all and cannot wait to share with you all :)!!

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